The Segway is a personal transport device that takes advantage of an innovative combination of information technology, electronics and mechanics. Its functioning is that of an "extension of the body" and is "capable of imitating human equilibrium". It allows a person to move on a platform with two parallel wheels, driven by two electric motors with batteries. It is above all a pedestrian means that allows anyone, to "explore" accessible places, precisely and otherwise, only on foot. Only by trying it, after a few moments, is the simplicity of the vehicle, the ease of movement and the ease of fun! His invention is due to Dean Kamen who presented the prototype in 2001. It is a means of transport with electric traction for individual locomotion, a very advanced technological concept, initially called "Ginger". It is a sort of intelligent scooter that can start, stop, reverse, with simple movements of the passenger-driver body, slight bending forward or backward, and making curves with the aid of a knob on the left side of the handlebar. In the following model called Segway PT, however, the steering system has been entrusted to the column that is no longer rigid, but inclinable to the right or left, and thus able to induce the desired changes of direction on the vehicle. The model equipped with the old steering system (Segway HT) is no longer in production. Its functioning is that of an "extension of the body: as a partner in a dance is able to anticipate every move". To do this, it uses a feedback control system, equipped with gyroscopic solid state rotation sensors (MEMS), which is «capable of imitating human equilibrium». It allows a person to move on a platform with two parallel wheels, driven by two electric motors with batteries. It weighs 38 kg and can reach a speed of 20 km / h with 40 km of autonomy. It does not require any special maintenance: from an environmental point of view it would represent a valid aid to combat atmospheric pollution.